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Project Euler 140 Solution

Modified Fibonacci golden nuggets

Project Euler 147 Solution

Count the number of horizontal, vertical and diagonal rectangles in a rectangular grid

Project Euler 102 Solution

Determine if the origin is contained inside a triangle.

Project Euler 114 Solution

Count the ways a row measuring fifty units in length could be filled with blocks three units long. The blocks must be separated by at least one empty space.

Project Euler 115 Solution

Fill an empty row with blocks, a minimum length of 50 units, until the size of the row exceeds 1,000,000 units. The blocks must be separated by at least one empty space.

Project Euler 116 Solution

Count the number of ways a space 50 units long could be filled by tiles, homogeneously, measuring 2, 3 or 4 units long.

Project Euler 117 Solution

Count the number of ways a space 50 units long could be filled by tiles, heterogeneously, measuring 2, 3 or 4 units long.

Project Euler 123 Solution

Find the maximum remainder when (p − 1)n + (p + 1)n is divided by p2 for prime p.

Project Euler 128 Solution

Find the 2000th hexagonal tile in which the differences between it and its 6 neighbors yield 3 primes.

Project Euler 139 Solution

Find how many Pythagorean triangles allow tiling with a perimeter < 100,000,000.