Project Euler 113: Count how many numbers below a googol (10100) are not "bouncy"
Problem Description
Working from left-to-right if no digit is exceeded by the digit to its left it is called an increasing number; for example, 134468.
Similarly if no digit is exceeded by the digit to its right it is called a decreasing number; for example, 66420.
We shall call a positive integer that is neither increasing nor decreasing a "bouncy" number; for example, 155349.
As n increases, the proportion of bouncy numbers below n increases such that there are only 12951 numbers below one-million that are not bouncy and only 277032 non-bouncy numbers below 1010.
How many numbers below a googol (10100) are not bouncy?
Whenever a problem asks for the number of elements in a set, as does this one, then the solution in typically a counting problem solved with combinometrics, dynamic programming or a generating function.
Our solution uses the general formula that counts the monotonically increasing/decreasing digits ignoring leading zeros.
To remove confusion surrounding the terms increasing and non-decreasing, Rudin, in his Principles of Mathematical Analysis (Def. 3.13), defines a sequence
of real numbers to be:
(a) monotonically increasing if
[i.e., non-decreasing].
(b) monotonically decreasing if
[i.e., non-increasing].
To avoid ambiguity one can specify that a monotonic sequence is “strictly increasing” or that it is non-decreasing, or non-increasing, or strictly decreasing.
Project Euler 113 Solution
Runs < 0.001 seconds in Python 2.7.
- Function
is listed in Common Functions and Routines for Project Euler - See also, Project Euler 112 Solution:
Could you please provide more information about that general formula for counting increasing/decreasing digits? Is there a paper about it?
I’m going to have to revisit this problem. I know it’s an application of the Inclusion–exclusion principle that works for limits of any power of ten. Give me a few days to look at it.