Integer partition equations
Find how many 18-digit numbers (without leading zeros) there are such that no digit occurs more than three times in base 10.
Find the number of triangles present in a cross-hatched triangle of size n.
Maximizing a weighted product
Finding Nim positions consisting of heap sizes n, 2n and 3n for n ≤ 230 that result in a losing game.
Find the volume (in m3) of the region through which the fragments of an air-burst firecracker move before reaching the ground.
Counting the number of consecutive nines at the beginning of the fractional part of (√p+√q)2n
Rooms of Doom
Find the expected number of plates that must be observed to find two that total 1,000.
Project Euler 183: Find the maximum product of equal parts of a number and determine whether the that product is a terminating or non-terminating decimal .