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Mike Molony

Mike Molony has written 149 posts for Dreamshire

Project Euler 58 Solution

Counting primes that lie on the diagonals of the spiral grid.

Project Euler 59 Solution

Using a brute force attack, decrypt the cipher using XOR encryption

Project Euler 60 Solution

Find a set of five primes for which any two primes concatenate to produce another prime.

Project Euler 61 Solution

Find the sum of the only set of six 4-digit figurate numbers with a cyclic property.

Project Euler 62 Solution

Find the smallest cube for which exactly five permutations of its digits are cube.

Project Euler 63 Solution

Count how many n-digit positive integers exist which are also an nth power.

Project Euler 64 Solution

Find the continued fractions for N ≤ 10000 have an odd period.

Project Euler 65 Solution

Find the sum of digits in the numerator of the 100th convergent of the continued fraction for e.

Project Euler 66 Solution

Investigate the Diophantine equation x2 − Dy2 = 1.

Project Euler 67 Solution

Find the maximum total from top to bottom in a large triangle of numbers using an efficient algorithm.